Prime Minister Stephen Harper Visits ClearTech
October 7, 2015

It was a very exciting day at ClearTech. At about 9:00 AM we had a visit from the Conservative Leader and Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Stephen and his wife Laureen stopped in at our head office to have a "fireside chat" on women's issues in the workplace. The focus group included 12 ladies, including our own Jennelle, Phyllis, Megan, and Jennie.

Putting personal politics aside it was very cool for everyone here to have the leader of our country stop in and enjoy a coffee with the good people at ClearTech.

Prime Minister Harper was at the ClearTech Head Office and at Handy Special Events here in Saskatoon today to announce initiatives for new parents in the workforce. The cool thing to us here at ClearTech is the backdrop for the Video - Quebec Ave - and the "other" stars of the show Jennelle and Seth. Take a look:

For more pictures from today, check out CBC, Saskatoon Star Pheonix, the CPC page, and our Facebook page.

Our thanks to everyone involved with making this exciting day happen here at Quebec Ave.